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Alzheimer’s Universe

The Alzheimer’s Universe is a collection of resources put together by Weill Cornell Medicine on Alzheimer prevention: was created by a team of experts to offer the most up-to-date information on Alzheimer’s disease (AD) prevention, treatment and caregiving. Join now to access one of 6 free online courses – one that focuses primarily on AD prevention for the general public with 12 lessons (5-15 min, each) and 12 activities which have advanced education research and reached nearly 1,500,000 people in over 60 countries. We also have a CME-accredited course for healthcare providers, as well as a course for high school, college, medical school students and Neurology residents supported by a grant from Hilarity for Charity. Additional funding for this work has been generously provided by the Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation, the Annual Memories for Mary event (organized by David Twardock and family), and charitable donations from grateful patients in the Alzheimer’s Prevention Clinic at Weill Cornell Medicine & NewYork-Presbyterian.

AlzU has been featured on the NBC Today Show,, The Dr. Oz Show as well as numerous print (including Parade Magazine) and online publications (such as Every Day Health), and was created by Weill Cornell Medicine & NewYork-Presbyterian and researchers from around the globe.

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